Thursday, August 6, 2015

Here's to 29

Here I am entering the last year of my 20s and I feel like I'm in a really good place. I spent my 20s figuring out who I am. I lived in 3 states, got married, went to culinary school, and started a family. I've had my adventures and now I'm settling into domestic life. I know who I am and I know who I'm not. I've developed my own taste and found my voice. I'm not afraid to be myself and I'm not seeking anyone's approval.

I was having lunch with my college roommate last week and we were discussing our shared excitement over buying our first homes. "And you won't believe the linen closets!" she exclaimed. We laughed about being so thrilled about such a seemingly mundane thing. I'm so glad that this is where we are. We are able to enjoy the little things, without worrying about if we're "cool" enough. Let's be honest: I never was anyways. This place in life is so comfortable and real. I feel like I am able to be my most authentic self and I am thankful for the wonderful people in my life who have always accepted me as I am. 

I'm ready for the victory lap of my 20s. Let's do it!