Monday, March 23, 2015

The Magic of Parenthood

Once you become a parent, your brain forever functions a little differently. The synapses fire in new ways and new connections are made (maybe it's the sleep deprivation...).  Your mind works in fresh creative ways to relate to your children. You step outside of yourself and your preconceived notions and learn to see the world through the eyes of a child. You become a songwriter, a storyteller, a dreamer. You notice subtle things that you would have missed in your childless days: leaves blowing in the wind, the shape of the moon, planes passing overhead, construction equipment, etc.

You adopt the unique interests and hobbies of your children as your own. You learn about subjects that you had never before given much thought (I know more about trains than I ever knew was possible).  Your imagination is stretched as you recapture the magic of childhood. You leave the literal, concrete world of adulthood for a bit and visit the land of make-believe. Fairytales leap off of the pages of books, opening up a world of enchantment: pirates and princesses, fearsome dragons breathing fire, and glittering mermaids swimming in violet oceans.  It is a second chance at childhood, where you rediscover the forgotten wonders and dreams of your own youth, tucked away in the lonely, unused corners of your mind.  In this way, children are the fountain of youth, breathing magic and imagination back into the lives they touch. 

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